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Special Offer: Joint Online

Membership to Edgar Cayce’s

A.R.E. and Edgar Cayce Canada

Registration Process:


1.      Review the accommodation and meals package below with three prices for your room amenities.

2.       Contact Isaiah Tubbs Resort to make enquiries and book your space. A $150 deposit will confirm your reservation. Final payment is due to the resort by April 27th. Reservations cannot be made online.


§  Please quote “Edgar Cayce Canada” for the conference rate which includes meals;

                             Saturday:  Breakfast, Lunch, & Supper   Sunday:  Mother’s Day Brunch


§  For more information about the resort visit:


3.      To register for the conference - visit our website:

Email:, or call 1-866-322-8209, ext. 711 to leave a message

*$49 Canadian one-year online 

  membership to both the A.R.E. & E.C.C.

*Enjoy a 30% savings!
 Regular Price: $71 Cdn

One-Year Online Joint
Membership only $49

Edgar Cayce Canada


Our Mission: “To encourage exploration and application of the principles in the Edgar Cayce readings” (


ECC online membership entitles you to the following benefits:


   • The Open Road Magazine, written and published in Canada, fall and spring in pdf

   • The Open Road Newsletter, published every winter and summer in pdf

   • Member Discounts on all ECC events

   • Notification of Events in your area

   • Voting privileges with Edgar Cayce Canada



Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.


Gain insights into your soul’s purpose and full potential as well as your relationships and karmic connections with America’s most

amazing seer, Edgar Cayce, and the organization that grew from those early beginnings, Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. (


All online eMembers have access which includes:


   • All 14,306 Edgar Cayce readings in a searchable online database

   • Current and past issues of our quarterly publications (4 of each annually):

   • A beautiful mystery-revealing magazine entitled Venture Inward

   • Cayce Quarterly Newsletter with Member Experiments to try at home

   • Hours of audio and video materials, updates, and downloadable files

   • A community of like-minded individuals

   • Exclusive member pricing and discounts on conferences, programs, and services

   • A 20% discount on books, astrology charts, and other products at


Yes! I want to join Edgar Cayce Canada and the

Association for Research and Enlightenment!


1. *If you are a current "E-member

with ECC, this purchase will be applied at expiration and extend your online 

membership for one more year.


2. *If you have a current "paper"  membership with ECC, online benefits

will be added to your account for a full year. Please look for Information by email. You may also continue to renew your full membership at the end of its cycle.


3. *If you are a current "member" of

the A.R.E., this purchase will be added at

the end of your current term for one year of online benefits.

*Existing Members: If you would like to 

 participate in this offering please note:

*Please allow up to 2 weeks for eMail    notification about your membership to      

 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.

Edgar Cayce Canada

Unit 3 - 200 Manitoba St., Suite 155,
Bracebridge, ON  P1L 2E2
Toll Free: 1-866-322-8209


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