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Events in and Around Canada
The Miracle of Mindfulness...
Peggy is a student of Thich Nhat Hanh, whom she met in 1991, and became one of his Dharma teachers in 2000. She and her husband Larry have joined Thich Nhat Hanh in international exchanges throughout the world and have served as staff for 20 years.
Join us for this weekend retreat exploring the Miracle of Mindfulness in a peaceful, tranquil setting. Peggy Rowe-Ward will give us the opportunity to experience several Mindfulness techniques so that we can learn how to "watch self go by" as was counseled by Edgar Cayce in the Search for God teachings. She will also show us current research from the discipline of Neuroscience that supports the many benefits of practicing Mindfulness.
Seabeck Conference Center - 13395 Lagoon Dr NW, Seabeck, WA 98380 Tel: 360.830.5010
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